First Time Vehicle Buying Guide for Single Mums

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When you are a single parent, car buying can be intimidating. This is because there are so many things to consider- from the cost of a vehicle to insurance and maintenance costs. It can also be hard to find time for shopping with all of your other responsibilities as a mom. So we have put together some tips to guide you through the first-time vehicle purchase as a single mom to simplify this process!

Photo by Mike from Pexels

Blue Smart Fortwo

Finding a reliable dealership

First-time car buying is a big deal, so finding a reliable dealership is essential. You can do this by asking your friends and family members about their experiences with different dealerships in the area. If you have purchased from any of these places before, be sure to ask them if they would recommend that dealer for first-time purchase! You should also check online reviews or even Google search “Best [insert city] Dealers,” which will bring up some good suggestions for local dealerships in your area that have been offering excellent customer service. Once you narrow down your potential choices, you can go into each dealership individually and get more information on what they offer specifically.


Know your budget

You must have a budget in mind before you start car shopping. This way, you won’t be tempted to purchase something outside of your means. Many helpful online calculators can help you determine how much you can afford each month for a car payment. When setting your budget, keep in mind the cost of insurance and regular maintenance. Both of these things tend to be higher for new drivers, so make sure you factor them into your total budget amount.


Finding the right vehicle type

Now that you know how much money you can spend each month, it’s time to start thinking about what type of vehicle is right for you. For example, do you need a family car with room for multiple passengers and cargo? Or are you looking for something smaller and more fuel-efficient? Consider your needs when making this decision. You might also want to think about the resale value of different types of vehicles. For example, SUVs tend to hold their value better than smaller cars, but they usually require more expensive maintenance and insurance rates.


Insurance costs, registration, and other tips to consider when buying a car.

Once you have found the perfect car for your family, it’s time to think about insurance. This is an important step that should not be overlooked, as good coverage can save you a lot of money in the event of an accident. You should also research what registration and licensing requirements are necessary for your state. For example, some states require special plates or tags for new drivers. Finally, don’t forget to speak with a car accident lawyer in the event of an incident, they’ll be able to guide you as well as get you fair compensation. By taking all of these things into consideration, you can ensure a smooth first-time car buying experience!


Buying a car for the first time can be a daunting task, but you can make the process much easier by following these simple tips. Remember to stay within your budget and think about what type of vehicle is right for your family’s needs.


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